Introductions… Introductions

Hi :-).

My name is Tanya and I have taken the leap of faith to begin blogging.  The Million dollar question is “About what?”  I will start out by saying I love, love, love crafting and have just learned how to scrapbook.. YAY!  I enjoy everything about making our living arrangements (whatever they may be) B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.  I believe positive attracts positive and the negative…. Well, needs to have the door shut in it’s face.

I am a very random person; my Ipod has Beethoven, Jay Z, Adele, Glee and Elvis all in the same playlist.  Sometimes I feel like I have Superhuman powers; at least that’s what my 10 year old daughter believes and I wouldn’t want to crush her spirits.

I am a Military Wife and although it is challenging at times; I love my soldier “husband” with every fiber of my being.  I am mom to 3 AMAZING children, step-mom to 3 equally AMAZING step-children and step-grandma to 2 adorable babies.  I believe everyone of them will contribute to our society the way God intended.

I am excited to begin whatever journey this may be and I hope we evolve together.  I am looking forward to becoming Web-friends.

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